Sunday, April 13, 2008


I feel like my life has come to a stop....
a sudden stop.

In two weeks my job will be over.
In one week my church will no longer exist. 
Outside of those two things I don't have to much of a life.

It is time to make some decisions...

I am a planner and I feel like I should have some kind of plan already in place for all of this, but I don't.  I really thought I had things figured out.
Work, pay bills, eventually go back to school (night school), and just continue in life??
Now, none of that seems to be working.

I don't know what I am going to do, and I have NO clue what I want to do....

I have a few close friends, who have lives of their own and things they are DOING with their lives.  Me - Just sitting around doing nothing.  Now I have to figure out something to do as well.  I could continue on like this, just going from job to job barely making it.  Who wants that?  What else am I left to do?  I could try and find a job doing something I like.  The only problem with that is I really don't know what I like.  I could go off to school. The problem with that seems to be everything.

So I am stuck.  

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